Saturday 19 November 2011

Thursdays Crit

Feedback from the group crit last week with Lorenzo:

1. Oriental Packaging Brief:
- Needs to be put into context
- Think about photographing products in order to put into context
- Expand on the there more products, they don't have to be produced, just proposed
- Colour scheme within the brand...are different products colour coded
- Create some kind of promotional/advertisement to make people aware of the new brand/products

2. Body Shop Packaging Brief:
The outer packaging needs work
- Currently quite standard form and doesn't really show off my products
- Looks clinical and a bit cold
- Need to explore further ideas of winter and incorporate this into the outer packaging
- Could I focus on the christmas aspect more...produce wrapping paper, gift bags for people buying the products or gift set

3. Asda Re-brand Brief:
- On Thursday I didn't have too many visuals to show on this,  it was mainly idea development and a few on screen mock ups however Lorenzo was happy with the progress being made on this - it just needed continuing with.

I also had a chat with Joe after the crit. I mentioned I was worried about the fact i'm focusing so much on the packaging aspect of my briefs and not much else. He suggested that if it's packing i'm interested in then it should continue to be my main focus however I can just expand on my briefs with other areas.
With the oriental brief Joe mentioned like in my crit that it needs to be put into context and I could do this by setting up a scene and photographing my products and then this could be used as an advert in a magazine. This way I have a photography aspect to the brief and editorial. It was also mentioned adding little elements to the packs such as branded chopsticks, napkins, sachets of sauce etc.
With the Body Shop brief Joe came up with a great solution for the gift box. My products are all different dimensions and although I have created the card piece inside for them to sit it, they are still not very secure so Joe suggested I could use some kind of foam for this meaning they would fit tightly and wouldn't fall out if the box were to be tipped upside down.

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